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Papers Mast

philipp_replicationPrebiotic Gas Flow Environment Enables Isothermal Nucleic Acid Replication

Philipp Schwintek, Emre Eren, Christof Mast and Dieter Braun, eLife doi.org/10.7554/eLife.100152 (2024) LMU Press release

nature_tpcHeat flows enrich prebiotic building blocks and enhance their reactivity

Thomas Matreux, Paula Aikkila, Bettina Scheu, Dieter Braun and Christof B. Mastmail, Nature doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07193-7 (2024)
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In english: Washington Post New Scientist Newsweek LMU press release Origins cluster press release Arstechnica Space daily Phys.org Astrobiology IDW Singularity hub
In other languages: SINC (ES) ZAP (PT) Pour la Science (FR) Quibit (HU) Pulsar (PL) Sveriges Radio (SE) Videnskab (DK) Haaretz (IL) Hankyung (KR) Yonhap (KR)

apatitePREPRINT: Heat flows solubilize apatite to boost phosphate availability for prebiotic chemistry

Thomas Matreux, Almuth Schmid, Mechthild Rappold, Daniel Weller, Ayşe Zeynep Çalışkanoğlu, Kelsey R. Moore, Tanja Bosak, Donald B. Dingwell, Konstantin Karaghiosoff, François Guyot, Bettina Scheu, Dieter Braun and Christof B. Mastmail doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.06.606769 (2024)

christof_perspectiveHeat-Flow-Driven Nonequilibria for Prebiotic Chemistry

Christof B. Mastmail, ChemSystemsChem doi.org/10.1002/syst.202400039 (2024)

ligationHigh-Fidelity RNA Copying via 2′,3′-Cyclic Phosphate Ligation

Adriana C. Serrão, Sreekar Wunnava, Avinash V. Dass, Lennard Ufer, Philipp Schwintek, Christof B. Mast, and Dieter Braunmail, JACS doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c10813 (2024) LMU Press release

sedimentSequence self-selection by cyclic phase separation

Giacomo Bartolucci, Adriana Calaça Serrão, Philipp Schwintek, Alexandra Kühnlein, Yash Rana, Philipp Janto, Dorothea Hofer, Christof B. Mast, Dieter Braunmail and Christoph A. Webermail, PNAS 120 (43) e2218876120 (2023)

nonlinearThermophoresis beyond Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium

Daniel B. Mayer, Thomas Franosch, Christof Mast, and Dieter Braunmail, Physical Review Letters 130, 168202 doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.168202

uvseqSequence dependent UV damage of complete pools of oligonucleotides

Corinna L. Kufner, Stefan Krebs, Marlis Fischaleck, Julia Philippou-Massier, Helmut Blum, Dominik B. Bucher, Dieter Braun, Wolfgang Zinth and Christof B. Mastmail, Scientific Reports doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-29833-0 (2023)

creating_ph_gradientFormation mechanism of thermally controlled pH gradients

Thomas Matreux, Bernhard Altaner, Johannes Raith, Dieter Braun, Christof Mastmail and Ulrich Gerlandmail, Communications Physics doi.org/10.1038/s42005-023-01126-y (2023)

reviewPhysical non-equilibria for prebiotic nucleic acid chemistry [PDF]

Alan Ianeselli, Annalena Salditt, Christof Mast, Barbara Ercolano, Corinna Kufner, Bettina Scheu and Dieter Braunmail, Nature Review Physics doi.org/10.1038/s42254-022-00550-3 (2023)

polymertrapA heated rock crack captures and polymerizes primordial DNA and RNA

Christina Dirscherl, Alan Ianeselli, Damla Tetiker, Thomas Matreux, Robbin Queener, Christof Mast and Dieter Braunmail, PCCP doi.org/10.1039/D2CP04538A (2023)

rna_foamPrebiotic foam environments to oligomerize and accumulate RNA

Emre Tekin; Annalena Salditt; Philipp Schwintek; Sree Wunnava; Juliette Langlais; James Saenz; Dora Tang; Petra Schwille; Christof Mast; Dieter Braunmail, ChemBioChem doi.org/10.1002/cbic.202200423 (2022)

rna_polymerRNA Oligomerisation without Added Catalyst from 2′,3′‑cyclic Nucleotides by Drying at Air‑Water Interfaces

Avinash Vicholous Dass, Sreekar Wunnava, Juliette Langlais, Beatriz von der Esch, Maik Krusche, Lennard Ufer, Nico Chrisam, Romeo C. A. Dubini, Florian Gartner, Severin Angerpointner, Christina F. Dirscherl, Petra Rovó, Christof B. Mast, Judit E. Šponer, Christian Ochsenfeld, Erwin Frey, Dieter Braunmail, ChemSystemsChem doi.org/10.1002/syst.202200026 (2022)

fog_pcrWater cycles in a Hadean CO2 atmosphere drive the evolution of long DNA

Alan Ianeselli, Miguel Atienza, Patrick Kudella, Ulrich Gerland, Christof Mast & Dieter Braunmail, Nature Physics doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01516-z (2022)

LMU Press release New&Views: Mist and replication

coacervatesNon-equilibrium conditions inside rock pores drive fission, maintenance and selection of coacervate protocells

Alan Ianeselli, Damla Tetiker, Julian Stein, Alexandra Kühnlein, Christof B. Mast, Dieter Braunmail, T.-Y. Dora Tangmail, Nature Chemistry https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00830-y (2021)

matreux_natchem_mgHeat flows in rock cracks naturally optimize salt compositions for ribozymes

T. Matreux, K. Le Vay, A. Schmid, P. Aikkila, L. Belohlavek, A. Z. Çalışkanoğlu, E. Salibi, A. Kühnlein, C. Springsklee, B. Scheu, D. B. Dingwell, D. Braun, H. Mutschlermail, C. B. Mastmail, Nature Chemistry doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00772-5 (2021)

LMU Press Release

vesicle_fissionThermal Habitat for RNA Amplification and Accumulation

Annalena Salditt, Lorenz M. R. Keil, David P. Horning, Christof B. Mast, Gerald F. Joyce, and Dieter Braunmail
Physical Review Letters 125, 048104 (2020), doi:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.048104

See also: A Jumpstart for Biochemistry

surface2Heated gas bubbles enrich, crystallize, dry, phosphorylate and encapsulate prebiotic molecules

M. Morasch, J. Liu, C.F. Dirscherl, A. Ianeselli, A. Kühnlein, K. Le Vay, P. Schwintek, S. Islam, M.K. Corpinot, B. Scheu, D.B. Dingwell, P. Schwille, H. Mutschler, M.W. Powner, C.B. Mast & D. Braunmail
Nature Chemistry (2019), doi.org/10.1038/s41557-019-0299-5

Highlight Nature, Chemistry Community, LMU Press Release

rock_pore2Periodic Melting of Oligonucleotides by Oscillating Salt Concentrations triggered by Microscale Water Cycles inside Heated Rock Pores

Alan Ianeselli, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braunmail
Angewandte Chemie (2019), doi.org/10.1002/ange.201907909

optical_chargeOptochemical disequilibrium to measure biomolecule charge

Friederike M. Möller, Michael Kieß, Christof Mast and Dieter Braunmail
Physical Review E 98, 062601 (2018) doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.062601

lorenzpaper_phtrap-01Proton Gradient and pH oscillations emerge from heat flow at the microscale

Lorenz Keil, Friederike Möller, Michael Kieß, Patrick Kudella and Christof Mastmail
Nature Communication 8, 1897 (2017) 

agerschou_synlett2017Emergence of Life from Trapped Nucleotides? Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Oligonucleotides in Thermal Gradients

Emil Dandanell Agerschou, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braunmail Synlett (2017)


baazHeat-Flow-Driven Oligonucleotide Gelation Separates Single-Base Differences

Matthias Morasch, Dieter Braun, and Christof B. Mastmail
Angewandte Chemie (2016) doi:10.1002/anie.201603779

cgmpDry polymerization of 3',5'-cyclic GMP to long strands of RNA

Matthias Morasch, Christof Mast, Johannes Langer, Pierre Schilcher and Dieter Braunmail,
ChemBioChem 15, 879–883 (2014), doi: 10.1002/cbic.201300773


lebendiges_NGGÜbersichtsartikel: Lebendiges Nichtgleichgewicht

Christof Mast, Friederike M. Möller und Dieter Braunmail
Physik Journal 10, 29 (2013)[PDF]
RadioWissen broadcast on the Origin of Life [22Min.]

polymerization_trapEscalation of Polymerization in a Thermal Gradient

Christof B. Mast, Severin Schink, Ulrich Gerland and Dieter Braunmail
PNAS 110, 8030-8035 (2013), doi:10.1073/pnas.1303222110 [PDF]
Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk

thermal_solutionsThermal Solutions for Molecular Evolution

Christof B. Mast, Natan Osterman and Dieter Braunmail,
International Journal of Modern Physics B doi: 10.1142/S0217979212300174 (2012)

pccp_perspectiveOptical Fluid and Biomolecule Transport with Thermal Fields [PDF]

Franz M. Weinert, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braunmail
PCCP doi 10.1039/C0CP02359K (2011)


disequilibriumDisequilibrium First: The Origin of Life

Christof B. Mast, Natan Osterman and Dieter Braunmail
Journal of Cosmology 10, 3305-3314 (2010)

  replication_trapThermal Trap for DNA Replication [PDF]

Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braunmail
Physical Review Letters 104, 188102 (2010)
Press: Physics Today, FAZ, Nano 3Sat, Movie:Focus Online, Der Standard, Sueddeutsche, New Scientist, SciNexx






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