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Papers Braun

philipp_replicationPrebiotic Gas Flow Environment Enables Isothermal Nucleic Acid Replication

Philipp Schwintek, Emre Eren, Christof Mast and Dieter Braun, eLife doi.org/10.7554/eLife.100152 (2024) LMU Press release

nature_tpcHeat flows enrich prebiotic building blocks and enhance their reactivity

Thomas Matreux, Paula Aikkila, Bettina Scheu, Dieter Braun and Christof B. Mast, Nature doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07193-7 (2024) Welt der Physik Bild der Wissenschaft Geo Magazin Spektrum Deutschlandfunk Merkur TZ Washington Post New Scientist Newsweek LMU press release Origins cluster press release Arstechnica Space daily Phys.org Astrobiology IDW Singularity hub SINC (ES) ZAP (PT) Quibit (HU) Pulsar (PL) Sveriges Radio (SE) Haaretz (IL) Hankyung (KR) Yonhap (KR)

jobTemplate-based copying in chemically fuelled dynamic combinatorial libraries

Christine M. E. Kriebisch, Ludwig Burger, Oleksii Zozulia, Michele Stasi, Alexander Floroni, Dieter Braun, Ulrich Gerland and Job Boekhoven, Nature Chemistry doi.org/10.1038/s41557-024-01570-5 (2024)

ligationHigh-Fidelity RNA Copying via 2′,3′-Cyclic Phosphate Ligation

Adriana C. Serrão, Sreekar Wunnava, Avinash V. Dass, Lennard Ufer, Philipp Schwintek, Christof B. Mast, and Dieter Braun, JACS doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c10813 (2024) LMU Press release

bstReplication elongates short DNA, reduces sequence bias and develops trimer structure

Adriana C. Serrão, Felix T. Dänekamp, Zsófia Meggyesi, Dieter Braun, Nucleic Acids Research doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkad1190 (2023)

sedimentSequence self-selection by cyclic phase separation

Giacomo Bartolucci, Adriana Calaça Serrão, Philipp Schwintek, Alexandra Kühnlein, Yash Rana, Philipp Janto, Dorothea Hofer, Christof B. Mast, Dieter Braun and Christoph A. Weber, PNAS 120 (43) e2218876120 (2023)

rnatreeWhite and green rust chimneys accumulate RNA in a ferruginous chemical garden

Vanessa Helmbrecht, Maximilian Weingart, Frieder Klein, Dieter Braun, William D. Orsi, Geobiology, doi:10.1111/gbi.12572 (2023)

2dhydroAlkaline vents recreated in two dimensions to study pH gradients, precipitation morphology, and molecule accumulation

Maximilian Weingart, Siyu Chen, Clara Donat, Vanessa Helmbrecht, William D. Orsi, Dieter Braun and Karen Alim, Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adi1884 (2023)

dischargeReactive phosphorus via simulated lightning discharge: A role for fulgurites in pre-biotic chemistry

A. Zeynep Çalışkanoğlu, Don Dingwell, Corrado Cimarelli, Alessandra S.B. Camara, Hergen Breitzke, Gerd Buntkowsky, Matthew A. Pasek, Dieter Braun, Bettina Scheu & Karan Molaverdikhani, K, Chemical Geology, 620, 121343 doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121343 (2023)

nonlinearThermophoresis beyond Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium

Daniel B. Mayer, Thomas Franosch, Christof Mast, and Dieter Braun, Physical Review Letters 130, 168202 doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.168202

thermo3Thermophoretic motion of a charged single colloidal particle

Daniel B. Mayer, Dieter Braun, and Thomas Franosch, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044602 doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.044602 (2023)

sunyRibozyme-mediated RNA synthesis and replication in a model Hadean microenvironment

Annalena Salditt, Leonie Karr, Elia Salibi, Kristian Le Vay, Dieter Braun & Hannes Mutschler, Nature Communications doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37206-4 (2023)

uvseqSequence dependent UV damage of complete pools of oligonucleotides

Corinna L. Kufner, Stefan Krebs, Marlis Fischaleck, Julia Philippou-Massier, Helmut Blum, Dominik B. Bucher, Dieter Braun, Wolfgang Zinth and Christof B. Mast, Scientific Reports doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-29833-0 (2023)

creating_ph_gradientFormation mechanism of thermally controlled pH gradients

Thomas Matreux, Bernhard Altaner, Johannes Raith, Dieter Braun, Christof Mast and Ulrich Gerland, Communications Physics doi.org/10.1038/s42005-023-01126-y (2023)

reviewPhysical non-equilibria for prebiotic nucleic acid chemistry [PDF]

Alan Ianeselli, Annalena Salditt, Christof Mast, Barbara Ercolano, Corinna Kufner, Bettina Scheu and Dieter Braun, Nature Review Physics doi.org/10.1038/s42254-022-00550-3 (2023)

polymertrapA heated rock crack captures and polymerizes primordial DNA and RNA

Christina F. Dirscherl, Alan Ianeselli, Damla Tetiker, Thomas Matreux, Robbin Queener, Christof Mast and Dieter Braun, PCCP doi.org/10.1039/D2CP04538A (2023)

rna_foamPrebiotic foam environments to oligomerize and accumulate RNA

Emre Tekin; Annalena Salditt; Philipp Schwintek; Sree Wunnava; Juliette Langlais; James Saenz; Dora Tang; Petra Schwille; Christof Mast; Dieter Braun, ChemBioChem doi.org/10.1002/cbic.202200423 (2022)

rna_polymerRNA Oligomerisation without Added Catalyst from 2′,3′‑cyclic Nucleotides by Drying at Air‑Water Interfaces

Avinash Vicholous Dass, Sreekar Wunnava, Juliette Langlais, Beatriz von der Esch, Maik Krusche, Lennard Ufer, Nico Chrisam, Romeo C. A. Dubini, Florian Gartner, Severin Angerpointner, Christina F. Dirscherl, Petra Rovó, Christof B. Mast, Judit E. Šponer, Christian Ochsenfeld, Erwin Frey, Dieter Braun, ChemSystemsChem doi.org/10.1002/syst.202200026 (2022)

fog_pcrWater cycles in a Hadean CO2 atmosphere drive the evolution of long DNA

Alan Ianeselli, Miguel Atienza, Patrick Kudella, Ulrich Gerland, Christof Mast & Dieter Braun, Nature Physics doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01516-z (2022)

LMU Press release New&Views: Mist and replication

coacervatesNon-equilibrium conditions inside rock pores drive fission, maintenance and selection of coacervate protocells

Alan Ianeselli, Damla Tetiker, Julian Stein, Alexandra Kühnlein, Christof B. Mast, Dieter Braun & T.-Y. Dora Tang, Nature Chemistry https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00830-y (2021)

sreew_chemeurAcid-Catalyzed RNA-Oligomerization from 3’,5’-cGMP

S. Wunnava, C.F. Dirscherl, J. Výravský, A. Kovařík, R. Matyášek, J. Šponer, D. Braun, J.E. Šponer, Chem. Eur. J. /doi.org/10.1002/chem.202103672 (2021)

prx_rosenberger_goeppelSelf-Assembly of Informational Polymers by Templated Ligation

J. H. Rosenberger, T. Göppel, P. W. Kudella, D. Braun, U. Gerland, B. Altaner, PRX doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031055 (2021)

matreux_natchem_mgHeat flows in rock cracks naturally optimize salt compositions for ribozymes

T. Matreux, K. Le Vay, A. Schmid, P. Aikkila, L. Belohlavek, A. Z. Çalışkanoğlu, E. Salibi, A. Kühnlein, C. Springsklee, B. Scheu, D. B. Dingwell, D. Braun, H. Mutschler, C. B. Mast, Nature Chemistry doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00772-5 (2021)

wunnava_syschemsysNon-Enzymatic, Template-Free Polymerization of 3’,5’ Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate on Mineral Surfaces

Judit E. Šponer, Jiří Šponer, Jakub Výravský, Ondrej Šedo, Zbyněk Zdráhal, Giovanna Costanzo, Ernesto Di Mauro, Sreekar Wunnava, Dieter Braun, Roman Matyášek, Aleš Kovařík, ChemSystemsChem doi.org/10.1002/syst.202100017 (2021)

fossilsA new model for silicification of cyanobacteria in Proterozoic tidal flats

Kelsey R. Moore, Jian Gong, Mihkel Pajusalu, Emilie J. Skoog, Megan Xu, Tania Feliz Soto, Victor Sojo, Thomas Matreux, Matthew J. Baldes, Dieter Braun, Kenneth Williford, Tanja Bosak, Geobiology doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12447 (2021)

kmst2Kinetic Microscale Thermophoresis for Simultaneous Measurement of Binding Affinity and Kinetics

Julian A. C. Stein, Alan Ianeselli, Dieter Braun, Angewandte doi.org/10.1002/ange.202101261 (2021)

eLife KühnleintRNA sequences can assemble into a replicator

Alexandra Kühnlein, Simon A Lanzmich, Dieter Braun, eLife 2021;10:e63431 doi: 10.7554/eLife.63431

PNAS KudellaStructured sequences emerge from random pool when replicated by templated ligation

Patrick Kudella, Alexei Tkachenko, Annalena Salditt, Sergei Maslov and Dieter Braun, PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.2018830118 (2021)

See also: Did Darwinian evolution begin before life itself?

vesicle_fissionThermal Habitat for RNA Amplification and Accumulation

Annalena Salditt, Lorenz M. R. Keil, David P. Horning, Christof B. Mast, Gerald F. Joyce, and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 125, 048104 (2020), doi:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.048104

See also: A Jumpstart for Biochemistry

Co2_reductionCO2 reduction driven by a pH gradient

Reuben Hudson, Ruvan de Graaf, Mari Strandoo Rodin, Aya Ohno, Nick Lane, Shawn E. McGlynn, Yoichi M. A. Yamada, Ryuhei Nakamura, Laura M. Barge, Dieter Braun, and Victor Sojo
PNAS 117, 22873-22879 (2020), doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2002659117

review_toyabe2Origin of Species in Template-directed Ligation

Shoichi Toyabe and Dieter Braun
Seibutsu Butsuri 60 (5), 295-299 (2020) DOI: 10.2142/biophys.60.295

vesicle_fissionFission of Lipid-Vesicles by Membrane Phase Transitions in Thermal Convection

Patrick W. Kudella, Katharina Preißinger, Matthias Morasch, Christina F. Dirscherl, Dieter Braun, Achim Wixforth & Christoph Westerhausen
Scientific Reports 9, 18808 (2019), doi:10.1038/s41598-019-55110-0

surface2Heated gas bubbles enrich, crystallize, dry, phosphorylate and encapsulate prebiotic molecules

M. Morasch, J. Liu, C.F. Dirscherl, A. Ianeselli, A. Kühnlein, K. Le Vay, P. Schwintek, S. Islam, M.K. Corpinot, B. Scheu, D.B. Dingwell, P. Schwille, H. Mutschler, M.W. Powner, C.B. Mast & D. Braun
Nature Chemistry(2019), doi.org/10.1038/s41557-019-0299-5

Highlight Nature, Chemistry Community, LMU Press Release

rock_pore2Periodic Melting of Oligonucleotides by Oscillating Salt Concentrations triggered by Microscale Water Cycles inside Heated Rock Pores

Alan Ianeselli, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braun
Angewandte Chemie (2019), doi.org/10.1002/ange.201907909

symmetry_breaking2Cooperative ligation breaks sequence symmetry and stabilizes early molecular replication

Shoichi Toyabe and Dieter Braun
Physical Review X 9, 011056

edc_ligationContinuous nonenzymatic cross-replication of DNA strands with in situ activated DNA oligonucleotides

Evgeniia Edeleva, Annalena Salditt, Julian Stamp, Philipp Schwintek, Job Boekhoven and Dieter Braun
Chemical Science 10, 5807 - 5814, doi:10.1039/C9SC00770A (2019)

stein-braun-website-pictureStability of a time-homogeneous system of money and antimoney in an agent-based random economy

Julian A. C. Stein and Dieter Braun
Physica A 520 (2019) 232-249  

optical_chargeOptochemical disequilibrium to measure biomolecule charge

Friederike M. Möller, Michael Kieß, Christof Mast and Dieter Braun
Physical Review E 98, 062601 (2018) doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.062601

lorenzpaper_phtrap-01Proton Gradient and pH oscillations emerge from heat flow at the microscale

Lorenz Keil, Friederike Möller, Michael Kieß, Patrick Kudella and Christof Mast
Nature Communication 8, 1897 (2017) 

plasma_zhenyaCommon coding variant in SERPINA1 increases the risk for large artery stroke

Rainer Malika, Therese Daub, Maria Gonik, Anirudh Sivakumar, Daniel J. Deredge, Evgeniia V. Edeleva, Jessica Götzfried, Sander W. van der Laan, Gerard Pasterkamp, Nathalie Beaufort, Susana Seixas, Steve Bevan, Lisa F. Lincz, Elizabeth G. Holliday, Annette I. Burgess, Kristiina Rannikmäe, Jens Minnerup, Jennifer Kriebel, Melanie Waldenberger, Martina Müller-Nurasyid, Peter Lichtner, Danish Saleheen, International Stroke Genetics Consortium, Peter M. Rothwell, Christopher Levi, John Attia, Cathie L. M. Sudlow, Dieter Braun, Hugh S. Markus, Patrick L. Wintrode, Klaus Berger, Dieter E. Jenne, and Martin Dichgans
PNAS (2017) doi: 10.1073/pnas.1616301114

hairpin_replicatorReversible Switching of Cooperating Replicators

Georg C. Urtel, Thomas Rind and Dieter Braun Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 078102 (2017)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.078102

Pressetext der LMU

ferdinand best_pic_everProbing the Cooperativity of Binding Networks with High-Throughput Thermophoresis

Greiss, F., Kriegel, F., & Braun, D.  Analytical Chemistry (2017)
doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b04861 


agerschou_synlett2017Emergence of Life from Trapped Nucleotides? Non-Equilibrium ­Behavior of Oligonucleotides in Thermal Gradients

Emil Dandanell Agerschou, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braun
Synlett (2017) 
doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1588653


moeller_angewSteep pH Gradients and Directed Colloid Transport in a Microfluidic Alcaline Hydrothermal Pore

Friederike M. Möller, Franziska Kriegel, Michael Kieß, Victor Sojo and Dieter Braun Angewandte Chemie (2017)
doi: 10.1002/anie.201610781R2


quantitative analysis of protease_zhenyaQuantitative analysis of protease recognition by inhibitors in plasma using microscale thermophoresis

T. Dau, E. V. Edeleva, S. A. I. Seidel, R. A. Stockley, Dieter Braun & D. E. Jenne
Scientific Reports (2016) doi: 10.1038/srep35413

shallowProbing of molecular replication and accumulation in shallow heat gradients through numerical simulations

Lorenz Keil, Michael Hartmann, Simon Lanzmich and Dieter Braun
PCCP (2016) doi: 10.1039/C6CP00577B

pmePhotochemical microscale electrophoresis allows fast quantification of biomolecule binding

Friederike M. Möller, Michael Kieß, Dieter Braun
JACS (2016) doi:10.1021/jacs.6b01756

baazHeat-Flow-Driven Oligonucleotide Gelation Separates Single-Base Differences

Matthias Morasch, Dieter Braun, and Christof B. Mast
Angewandte Chemie (2016) doi:10.1002/anie.201603779

fiber_thermophoresisQuantitative thermophoretic study of disease-related protein aggregates

Manuel Wolff, Judith Mittag, Therese Herling, Erwin De Genst, Christopher Dobson, Tuomas Knowles, Dieter Braun, Alexander Buell
Scientific Reports (2016) doi:10.1038/srep22829

sheet_microscopySingle molecule imaging in living Drosophila embryos with reflected light-sheet microscopy

Ferdinand Greiss, Myrto Deligiannaki, Christophe Jung, Ulrike Gaul, Dieter Braun
Biophysical Journal (2016) doi 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.12.035



thermal_sieveThermooptical molecule sieve on the microscale

Natan Osterman and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters (2015) doi 10.1063/1.4907357

wurstUnderstanding the similarity in thermophoresis between single- and double-stranded DNA or RNA

Maren Reichl, Mario Herzog, Ferdinand Greiss, Manuel Wolff, and Dieter Braun
Physical Review E 91,062709 (2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.062709

replication_selectionHeat flux across an open pore enables the continuous replication and selection of oligonucleotides towards increasing length

Moritz Kreysing, Lorenz Keil, Simon Lanzmich and Dieter Braun
Nature Chemistry (2015) doi:10.1038/nchem.2155
News in ScienceMag, News and Views by Irene Chen, Science's Editors Choice, Chemistry World, Science Daily, Scinexx, Nature World News, Tech Times, Press release, Radio Eins, Der Spiegel, Deutschlandfunk.


cellthermo Thermophoretic Manipulation of Molecules Inside Living Cells

Maren R. Reichl and Dieter Braun
JACS 136, 15955–15960 (2014) doi: 10.1021/ja506169b

bubble Thermophoresis in Nanoliter-Droplets Quantifies Aptamer Binding

Susanne Seidel, Niklas Markwardt, Simon Lanzmich, Dieter Braun
Angewandte Chemie 53, 7948–7951 (2014), doi: 10.1002/anie.201402514

pegDetection of Thermoresponsive Polymer Phase Transition in Dilute Low-Volume Format by Microscale Thermophoretic Depletion

Manuel Wolff, Dieter Braun and Michael A. Nash
Analytical Chemistry 86, 6797–6803 (2014), doi: 10.1021/ac5008283

electro_thermophoresisWhy charged molecules move across a temperature gradient: the role of electric fields

Maren Reichl, Mario Herzog, Alexandra Götz and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 112, 198101 (2014)
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.198101
Synopsis in PRL, Press release.

antimoneyStatistical Mechanics of a Time-Homogeneous System of Money and Antimoney.

Matthias Schmitt, Andreas Schacker and Dieter Braun
New Journal of Physics 16, 033024 (2014) doi:10.1088/1367-2630/16/3/033024
Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk, Article on Phys.org, Telepolis

cgmpDry polymerization of 3',5'-cyclic GMP to long strands of RNA

Matthias Morasch, Christof Mast, Johannes Langer, Pierre Schilcher and Dieter Braun,
ChemBioChem 15, 879–883 (2014), doi: 10.1002/cbic.201300773



lebendiges_NGGÜbersichtsartikel: Lebendiges Nichtgleichgewicht

Christof Mast, Friederike M. Möller und Dieter Braun
Physik Journal 10, 29 (2013)[PDF]
RadioWissen broadcast on the Origin of Life [22Min.]

proteinase3A monoclonal antibody (MCPR3-7) interfering with the activity of proteinase 3 by an allosteric mechanism.

Lisa C. Hinkofer, Susanne A. I. Seidel, Brice Korkmaz, Francisco Silva, Amber M. Hummel, Dieter Braun, Dieter E. Jenne, Ulrich Specks
Journal of Biological Chemistry doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.495770 (2013)

polymerization_trapEscalation of Polymerization in a Thermal Gradient

Christof B. Mast, Severin Schink, Ulrich Gerland and Dieter Braun
PNAS 110, 8030-8035 (2013), doi:10.1073/pnas.1303222110 [PDF]
Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk

nanotemper_reviewMicroscale thermophoresis quantifies biomolecular interactions under previously challenging conditions

Susanne A.I. Seidel, Patricia M. Dijkman, Wendy A. Lea, Geert van den Bogaart, Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Ana Lazic, Jeremiah S. Joseph, Prakash Srinivasan, Philipp Baaske, Anton Simeonov, Ilia Katritch, Fernando A. Melo, John E. Ladbury, Gideon Schreiber, Anthony Watts, Dieter Braun, Stefan Duhr
Methods 59:301–315 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2012.12.005


thermal_solutionsThermal Solutions for Molecular Evolution

Christof B. Mast, Natan Osterman and Dieter Braun,
International Journal of Modern Physics B doi: 10.1142/S0217979212300174 (2012)

labelfreeLabel-Free Microscale Thermophoresis Discriminates Sites and Affinity of Protein–Ligand Binding [PDF]

Susanne Seidel, Christoph J. Wienken, Sandra Geissler, Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Stefan Duhr, Alwin Reiter, Dirk Trauner, Dieter Braun, Philipp Baaske,
Angewandte Chemie doi: 10.1002/anie.201204268 (2012)

ahaThermal, Autonomous Replicator Made from Transfer RNA

Hubert Krammer, Friederike M. Möller, and Dieter Braun
PRL 108, 238104 (2012). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.238104
Links: APS Synopsis

innovation Stefan Duhr and Philipp Baaske

with their Team managed to win the Deutsche Innovationspreis for their NanoTemper Technologies Startup. Congratulations!

lippok Direct Detection of Antibody Concentration and Affinity in Human Serum Using Microscale Thermophoresis

Svenja Lippok, Susanne A. I. Seidel, Stefan Duhr, Kerstin Uhland, Hans-Peter Holthoff, Dieter Jenne and Dieter Braun
Analytical Chemistry 84, 3523–3530 (2012). doi:10.1021/ac202923j

Structure and function analyses of the purified GPCR human vomeronasal type 1 receptor 1

Karolina Corin, Philipp Baaske, Sandra Geissler, Christoph J. Wienken, Stefan Duhr, Dieter Braun and Shuguang Zhang
Scientific Reports 1, 172 (2011). doi:10.1038/srep00172

pone_zhang A Robust and Rapid Method of Producing Soluble, Stable, and Functional G-Protein Coupled Receptors [PDF]

Karolina Corin, Philipp Baaske, Deepali B. Ravel, Junyao Song, Emily Brown, Xiaoqiang Wang, Sandra Geissler, Christoph J. Wienken, Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Stefan Duhr, Dieter Braun, Shuguang Zhang
PLoS One 6, e23036 (2011). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023036

adtreview Molecular Interaction Studies Using Microscale Thermophoresis [PDF]

Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Chistoph J. Wienken, Dieter Braun, Philipp Baaske and Stefan Duhr
ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 9, 342-553 (2011). doi: 10.1089/adt.2011.0380

rnareactorEmergence of Information Transmission in a Prebiotic RNA Reactor

Benedikt Obermayer, Hubert Krammer, Dieter Braun, and Ulrich Gerland
PRL 107, 018101 (2011). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.018101
Links: APS Viewpoint, PhysOrg

gpcrPeptide surfactants for cell-free production of functional G protein-coupled receptors

Xiaoqiang Wang, Karolina Corina, Philipp Baaske, Christoph J. Wienken, Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Stefan Duhr, Dieter Braun, and Shuguang Zhang
PNAS 108, 9049-9054 (2011)

thermo_meltingThermophoretic melting curves quantify the conformation and stability of RNA and DNA [PDF]

Christoph J. Wienken, Philipp Baaske, Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Nucleic Acids Research doi:10.1093/nar/gkr035 (2011)

pccp_perspectiveOptical Fluid and Biomolecule Transport with Thermal Fields [PDF]

Franz M. Weinert, Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braun
PCCP doi 10.1039/C0CP02359K (2011)


mstnatcomProtein-binding assays in biological liquids using microscale thermophoresis [PDF]

Christoph J. Wienken, Philipp Baaske, Ulrich Rothbauer, Dieter Braun and Stefan Duhr
Nature Communications 1, 100 (2010)
Links: Research Highlight Nature Methods, Bionity

disequilibriumDisequilibrium First: The Origin of Life

Christof B. Mast, Natan Osterman and Dieter Braun
Journal of Cosmology 10, 3305-3314 (2010)

  replication_trapThermal Trap for DNA Replication [PDF]

Christof B. Mast and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 104, 188102 (2010)
Press: Physics Today, FAZ, Nano 3Sat, Movie:Focus Online, Der Standard, Sueddeutsche, New Scientist, SciNexx

binding_aptamerOptical Thermophoresis for Quantifying the Buffer Dependence of Aptamer Binding [PDF]

Philipp Baaske, Christoph J. Wienken, Philipp Reineck, Stefan Duhr, Dieter Braun, Angewandte Chemie 49, 2238-2241 (2010)
Press: Deutschlandfunk (Radio)

ss_dna_thermophoresisThermophoresis of Single Stranded DNA [PDF]

Philipp Reineck, Christoph J. Wienken and Dieter Braun
Electrophoresis 31, 279–286 (2010)



imaging_kineticsHybridization Kinetics is Different Inside Cells [PDF]

Ingmar Schoen, Hubert Krammer and Dieter Braun
PNAS 106, 21649–21654 (2009)

molecular_conveyorAn Optical Conveyor for Molecules [PDF]

Franz M. Weinert and Dieter Braun
Nano Letters 9, 4264–4267 (2009)

Article by Chemistry World, Picked by Chemie.de, Picked by Bionity.com

icepumpLight driven microflow in ice [PDF]

Franz M. Weinert, Max Wühr and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 94, 113901 (2009)

Picked by Nature Photonics 3, 242-243 (2009)


optical_pumpingOptically driven fluid flow
along arbitrary microscale patterns
using thermoviscous expansion

Franz M. Weinert and Dieter Braun
Journal of Applied Physics 104, 104701 (2008)

Picked by Nature Photonics 3, 80 (2009)

thermophoretic_crystalsObservation of Slip Flow in Thermophoresis   [PDF]

Franz M. Weinert and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 101, 168301 (2008)

thermal_wave_pumpMicroscale Fluid Flow Induced by
Thermoviscous Expansion Along a Traveling Wave

Franz M. Weinert, Jonas A. Kraus, Thomas Franosch and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 100, 164501 (2008)



snapshot_MeltingMelting curve analysis in a snapshot    [PDF]

Philipp Baaske, Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 91, 133901 (2007)

Hydrothermal_AccumulationFrom the cover:
Extreme Accumulation of Nucleotides in Simulated Hydrothermal Pore Systems

Philipp Baaske, Franz M. Weinert, Stefan Duhr, Kono H. Lemke, Michael J. Russell, Dieter Braun
PNAS 104, 9346–9351 (2007)

[Commentary by Eugene V. Koonin, PNAS 104, 9105-9106 (2007)]

sperling_size_detSize Determination of (Bio)conjugated Water-Soluble Colloidal Nanoparticles: A Comparison of Different Techniques  [PDF]

R. A. Sperling, T. Liedl, S. Duhr, S. Kudera, M. Zanella, C.-A. J. Lin, W. H. Chang, D. Braun, and W. J. Parak
J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 11552-11559 (2007)


dhont_langmuirThermodiffusion of Charged Colloids: Single-Particle Diffusion   [PDF]

Jan K. G. Dhont, Simone Wiegand, Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Langmuir 23, 1674-1683 (2007)



ThermophoresisFrom the cover:
Why molecules move along a temperature gradient

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
PNAS 103, 19678–19682 (2006)

[Commentary by Dean Astumian, PNAS 104, 3-4 (2007)]

micro_accumulationOptothermal Molecule Trapping by Opposing Fluid Flow with Thermophoretic Drift

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 97, 038103 (2006)

equilibrium_thermophoresisThermophoretic Depletion Follows Boltzmann Distribution

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 96, 168301 (2006)

wealth_accumulationNonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Wealth Condensation

Dieter Braun
Physica A, 369, 714-722 (2006)



microheater_pcrConvective polymerase chain reaction around micro immersion heater

Martin Hennig and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 87, 183901 (2005)

 [Discussed in Nature Methods 3, 8-9 (2006)]

temperature_nanoparThe Role of Metal Nanoparticles in Remote Release of Encapsulated Materials

A.G. Skirtach, C. Déjugna, D. Braun, A.S. Susha, A.L. Rogach, W.J. Parak, H. Möhwald, G.B. Sukhorukov
Nano Letters 7:1371-1377 (2005)

2d_rhermocrystalsTwo-dimensional colloidal crystals formed by thermophoresis and convection

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 86:131921 (2005)



microfluidic_thermophThermophoresis of DNA determined by microfluidic fluorescence

Stefan Duhr, Silvia Arduini and Dieter Braun
European Physical Journal E 15:277-286 (2004)

pcr_reviewPCR by Thermal Convection

Dieter Braun
Modern Physics Letters B, 18:775-784 (2004)

stimulation_imagingImaging Neuronal Seal Resistance on Silicon Chip using Fluorescent Voltage-Sensitive Dye

Dieter Braun and Peter Fromherz
Biophysical Journal 87:1351-1359 (2004)

molecular_evolutionThermal force approach to molecular evolution

Dieter Braun and Albert Libchaber
Physical Biology 1:P1-P8 (2004)



ccd_lockinLock-In by molecular multiplication

Dieter Braun and Albert Libchaber
Applied Physics Letters 83:5554-5556 (2003)

laminar_pcrExponential DNA Replication by Laminar Convection

Dieter Braun, Noel L. Goddard and Albert Libchaber
Physical Review Letters 91:158103 (2003)

[Article by Physical Review Focus; Nature News Article]

two_microspheresMultiplexed DNA Quantification by Spectroscopic Shift of Two Microsphere Cavities

Frank Vollmer, Stephen Arnold, Dieter Braun, Iwao Teraoka and Albert Libchaber
Biophysical Journal 85:1974–1979 (2003)

[Article by Biophotonics International]

BookkeepingmachanicsNontrivial Bookkeeping: a mechanical Perspective

Robert Fischer and Dieter Braun
Physica A 324:266-271 (2003)

temp_randomTransfer Potentials shape and equilibrate Monetary Systems

Robert Fischer and Dieter Braun
Physica A 321:605-618 (2003)



dna_trappingTrapping of DNA by Thermophoretic Depletion and Convection

Dieter Braun and Albert Libchaber
Physical Review Letters 89:188103 (2002)
[Article in Physics Today page 1, page 2][Biophotonics International][New Scientist]

counting_lockinComputer-based Photon Counting Lock-In for Phase Detection at the Shot Noise Limit

Dieter Braun and Albert Libchaber
Optics Letters 27:1418-1420 (2002)

protein_detection_setProtein detection by optical shift of a resonant microcavity

F. Vollmer, D. Braun, A. Libchaber, M. Khoshsima, I. Teraok and S. Arnold
Applied Physics Letters 80:4057-4059 (2002)


fluorescence_TtransFast Voltage Transients in Capacitive Silicon-to-Cell Stimulation Detected with a Luminescent Molecular Electronic Probe.

Dieter Braun and Peter Fromherz
Physical Review Letters 86:2905-2909 (2001)


diss_imagesCapacitive Stimulation of Mammalian Cells on Silicon Chips imaged at Optical Resolution with Voltage-Sensitive Dyes

Dieter Braun, PhD thesis at the Technische Universität München (2000)

flic_astrocyteFluorescence Interferometry of Neuronal Cell Adhesion on Microstructured Silicon.

Dieter Braun and Peter Fromherz
Physical Review Letters 81:5241-5244 (1998)

flic_eriesFluorescence Interference-Contrast Microscopy of Cell Adhesion on Oxidized Silicon.

D. Braun, P. Fromherz
Applied Physics A 65:341-348 (1997)

flic_diplonUntersuchung der Struktur der Silizium-Neuron-Kopplung durch Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe

Dieter Braun. Diplomarbeit at the Technische Universität München (1996)

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