WS 24/25
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Biophysics of Systems (Master)
Mo 14.00-17.30 , kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Seminar: Physics of early Life
Fr 12.30-14.00, kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Advanced Methods for the Physics of Early Evolution
Fr 10.15-12.00, kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
SS 24
E2 and E2kompakt: Wärmelehre und Elektrodynamik
Mo 8.15-10.00 and Do 8.15-10.00, große physikalische Hörsaal (N120)
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Emergence of Life in the Universe: Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution
Fr 12.00-15.30, kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Lecture: Advanced Methods for the Physics of Early Evolution
Mo 10.15-12.00: Kleiner Physikhörsaal N020
Seminar: Physics of the Origin of Life
Fr 10.15-12.00, Seminarraum Rädler/Efetof (N110)
WS 23/24
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Biophysics of Systems (Master)
Mo 14.00-17.30 , kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Seminar: Physics of early Life
Fr 12.30-14.00, kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Advanced Methods for the Physics of Early Evolution
Fr 10.15-12.00, kleiner Physikhörsaal (N020)
Experimental and numerical high-throughput methods in biophysics
Mi 12.15-14, Theresienstr. 37 - A 249 (Dr. Mast)
E2 and E2p: Wärmelehre und Elektrodynamik
Mo 8.15-10 and Do 8.15-10, große physikalische Hörsaal
Seminar: Physics of early Life
Fr 12.30-14.00, kleine physikalische Hörsaal
WS 22/23 Sabbatical
SS 22
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Emergence of Life in the Universe
(Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution)
Friday 8.30-12.00 in the kleine physikalischer Hörsaal (N020)
by Mark Hutchison, Bettina Scheu, Christof Mast, Oliver Trapp and Dieter Braun
Seminar: Physics of Early Life
Friday 12.30-14.00 in the Kleine Physikhörsaal (N020)
Lecture: Computational Methods for Molecular Evolution
Monday 12.30-14 in the Kleine Physikhörsaal (N020)
WS 21/22
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Biophysics of Systems (Master) (moved to Zoom)
Mo 14.00-17.30 in the kleine physikalischer Hörsaal (N020)
Seminar: Physics of Early Life (moved to Zoom)
Fr 12.30-14.00 in the kleine physikalische Hörsaal (N020)
SS 21
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Emergence of Life in the Universe (Virtual via Zoom)
(Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution)
Fr 8.30-12.00 by Mark Hutchison, Bettina Scheu, Christof Mast, Oliver Trapp and Dieter Braun
Seminar: Physics of Early Life (Virtual via Zoom)
Fr 12.30-14 Current topics in Emergence of Life research by Dieter Braun
Computational Methods for Molecular Evolution (Virtual via Zoom)
Thursday 14-16 Current computational methods ot analyze molecular evolution
by Erwin Frey, Ulrich Gerland and Dieter Braun
Seminar: Engineering Life (Virtual via Zoom)
Tue 17.00, Seminar Series on Engineering Life
WS 20/21
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Biophysics of Systems
Mo 14.00-17.30, over Zoom
Seminar: Physics of Early Life
Fr 12.30-14 over Zoom
Seminar: Physics of the Living Systems (Virtual via Zoom)
Tue 17.00, a limited number of seats are available for attendance in person, (N 020, kleiner Physiksaal)
SS 2020
E2 and E2p: Wärmelehre und Elektrodynamik (Virtual via Zoom)
Mo 8.15-10 and Fr 10.15-12 - three times on Thurs
Below lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master:
Lecture: Emergence of Life in the Universe (Virtual via Zoom)
(Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution)
Mo 14.15 - 16.45, at Sternwarte, Chemistry and N110, by Profs Hutchison, Trapp, Braun
Seminar: Physics of the Emergence of Life (Virtual via Zoom)
Fr 12.30-14.00, on Zoom (or kleiner Physikhörsaal)
WS 2019/20
(Lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Biophysics of Systems (Mo 14.15-17.30)
Seminar: Physics of the Emergence of Life (Fr 10.15-11.45)
SS 2019
E2 and E2p: Wärmelehre und Elektrodynamik (Mo 8.15-10 and Fr 10.15-12 - 3 times on Thurs)
Seminar: Physics of the Emergence of Life (Fr 12.30-14.00 kleiner Physikhörsaal)
Simulating with Comsol Multiphysics and Programming in LabView (Mo 12.30-14.00 H030)
The last two courses are within the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master
WS 2018/19
(Lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Biophysics of Systems
Programming Labview and Finite Elements with Comsol Multiphysics
Seminar: Physics of the Emergence of Life
SS 2018 CAS Research group Emergence of Life (no teaching)
WS 2017/18 CAS Research group Emergence of Life (no teaching)
SS 2017 Sabbatical
WS 2016/17
(Lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Biophysics of Systems
Programming Labview and Finite Elements with Comsol Multiphysics
SS 2016
E2 and E2p: Wärmelehre und Elektrodynamik
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (Part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
WS 2015/16
(Lectures are part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Biophysics of Systems
Seminar: Physics of Evolution
Labview and Comsol Multiphysics for (Bio)Physicists
SS 2015
Biophysics of Macromolecules (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Seminar: Physics of Evolution
Labview and Comsol Multiphysics for (Bio)Physicists
WS 2014/15
Biophysics of Systems (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
SS 2014
EP2: Elektromagnetismus & Wärmelehre
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
WS 2013/14
Programming with Labview and Simulating in Femlab for (Bio)Physicists
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
SS 2013
E2: Thermodynamik und Elektrodynamik
Labview and Femlab for (Bio)Physicists
Biophysics of the Cell
WS 2012/13
Biophysics of Molecules
SS 2012
E2: Thermodynamik und Elektrodynamik
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
WS 2011/12
EP3: Physik für Lehramt im Nebenfach
Seminar: Physics of Evolution (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
SS 2011
Biophysics of Systems (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Seminar on Strategies of Evolution
Programming with Labview and Simulating in Femlab for (Bio)Physicists
WS 2010/11
Seminar: Evolutionary Dynamics of Molecules
EP3: Physik für Lehramt im Nebenfach
Programming with Labview and Simulating in Femlab
SS 2010
Biophysics of Systems (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
Programming with Labview and Simulating in Femlab
WS 2009/2010
Biophysics of Systems (see also: Biophysics Program of the Physics Master)
SS 2009
E2: Thermodynamik und Elektrodynamik
Einführung in LabView und Femlab für (Bio)Physiker
WS 2008/09
Vorlesung Biophysik der Systeme
Subway Seminar on Darwinian DNA Machines
SS 2008
E2 / E2p: Thermodynamik und Elektrodynamik