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microheater_pcrConvective polymerase chain reaction around micro immersion heater

Martin Hennig and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 87, 183901 (2005)

 [Discussed in Nature Methods 3, 8-9 (2006)]

temperature_nanoparThe Role of Metal Nanoparticles in Remote Release of Encapsulated Materials

A.G. Skirtach, C. Déjugna, D. Braun, A.S. Susha, A.L. Rogach, W.J. Parak, H. Möhwald, G.B. Sukhorukov
Nano Letters 7:1371-1377 (2005)

2d_rhermocrystalsTwo-dimensional colloidal crystals formed by thermophoresis and convection

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Applied Physics Letters 86:131921 (2005)



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