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ThermophoresisFrom the cover:
Why molecules move along a temperature gradient

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
PNAS 103, 19678–19682 (2006)

[Commentary by Dean Astumian, PNAS 104, 3-4 (2007)]

micro_accumulationOptothermal Molecule Trapping by Opposing Fluid Flow with Thermophoretic Drift

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 97, 038103 (2006)

equilibrium_thermophoresisThermophoretic Depletion Follows Boltzmann Distribution

Stefan Duhr and Dieter Braun
Physical Review Letters 96, 168301 (2006)

wealth_accumulationNonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Wealth Condensation

Dieter Braun
Physica A, 369, 714-722 (2006)

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